On New Year’s Day, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, took to social media to make her highly anticipated Instagram debut under the handle @meghan. This marked not only a personal milestone for her but also provided followers a peek into her luxurious wardrobe as she gears up for the release of her new Netflix series, “With Love, Meghan.” The series promises to blend lifestyle elements with her distinct fashion sensibility, showcasing an intriguing mix of high-end design and accessible styles.
The trailer of Markle’s upcoming show is a visual delight, featuring her engaged in various activities such as cooking and floral arrangements, all while adorned in stylish attire. Among the most eye-catching elements is her striking Cartier Juste Un Clou necklace priced at a staggering $13,400, which she wore with an elegant white button-down and chic pinstriped shorts from Australian designer Zimmermann. This outfit exemplifies her ability to merge high fashion with everyday wear, making her wardrobe appealing to a wide audience but also highlighting the stark realities of luxury fashion.
What stands out in this preview is not just the opulence but also her inclination towards more relatable brands. While many of her featured outfits carry hefty price tags that might deter the average consumer, there are also pieces from more affordable lines. For instance, she wore a cashmere sweater from J.Crew, priced at a budget-friendly $138, paired with trendy accessories that add a touch of luxury even at a lower price point.
Markle’s accessorizing technique is equally impressive, as indicated by her choice of jewelry. In another scene with actress Mindy Kaling, she layered a striped cashmere sweater by Jenni Kayne worth $395 over a lavish Loro Piana cashmere crewneck valued at $1,325, illustrating her knack for mixing high and low fashion. The juxtaposition of such costly items with a J.Crew sweater tank priced at only $80 showcases her unique style philosophy—elegance doesn’t exclusively stem from extravagant spending.
In her selection of accessories, Meghan’s preference for quality is evident with pieces like the Logan Hollowell emerald choker at $4,795 and the Cartier Tank Française watch, which has become a staple in her daily wardrobe. Such details not only enrich her overall aesthetic but also maintain her connection to brands that resonate with her public persona.
As excitement builds for the premiere of “With Love, Meghan” on January 15, it is clear that Markle’s fashion choices will be a significant aspect of her new narrative. This series is poised to offer fans not just insights into her life and interests but also a vivid display of how she navigates the worlds of luxury fashion and everyday wear. Through her selections, Meghan continues to inspire discussions about style, accessibility, and personal expression, reshaping her image in the public eye and inviting viewers into her curated world of fashion and beyond.